Content tagged tiva

This post revisits the game project some half a year after the game already worked. The game used timers to handle asynchronicity, which was pretty messy. This post introduces an RTOS, complete with multiprocessing, a scheduler, and semaphores.

The last thing we need is some randomness for the game not to be boring. We will build a Linear Congruential Generator that reads out the timer register on the first button event to get a seed. We will also need a game engine so that things don't get too messy.

It would not be a cool game if it did not make funky noises. This post describes a way to build a sound device using a DAC and a bunch of resistors. This device will be able to play Nokia's RTTTL tunes.

We need to handle IO to move the defender and fire at the invaders. GPIO-connected buttons will do fine to trigger the shots, and we will read out a potentiometer through an ADC to determine the defender's position. This post describes the HAL functions for that and for handling timers, which is always helpful.

It's obvious, but Silly Invaders needs a display to display invaders. This post describes HAL calls to handle an old Nokia phone display through SSI and other things that were necessary to make it work, such as heap management.

I want my Alien Invaders to be portable and work on other microcontrollers. For that reason, the game logic will use a Hardware Abstraction Layer to communicate with the device. This post describes a stem of that layer dealing with hardware initialization and UART. Every future post will extend it with new functionality.

I have decided to build a simple Alien Invader game to learn more about microcontrollers. It will use Tiva as a base and a bunch of simple peripherals for I/O. This post describes a convenient development environment without any proprietary fluff.